Grace Baptist Academy
Established in June of 2000
This is GBA
Prepare for the Future

Christian Values
We want students to obtain an excellent education grounded in Christian moral values. The curriculum includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ - all designed to help students develop moral character,
a sense of accountability, and
wisdom in their lives.

Accredited Academics
Grace Baptist Academy is NAPS accredited. Any student that receives a General Diploma from G.B.A. may attend the college or university of their choice as long as they make the accepting college's
required A.C.T. score.
We are proud to prepare students not only for entrance into college but also for
leadership and service to the Lord.

Scholarship Opportunities
G.B.A. has been reviewed and certified by the NCAA. This allows our graduates to be eligible for scholarships and Div. I and Div. II NCAA collegiate sports.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6